
Janice Wymore

Janice comes from a family of artists and crafters. At the age of 6, Janice discovered her love for outer space and exploration. Yes, that means she wanted to become an Astronaut. She was and is still the black sheep of the family. Coloring books were the beginning of her art, moving on to drawing sharks and hybrid aircraft. Though her great-aunt tried to foster her creative side, Janice often grew frustrated with her creations. Later in college, one of Janice's professors asked her to 'please stop putting clipart on the letterhead'. She then shifted her focus from becoming a Legal Secretary, to 3D Animation. Because Janice was creating 2d animated icons. Janice then grew frustrated with 3D Animation but she did find three things she did enjoy: Creative photo manipulation, Video (vidding) tributes, and finally writing. But Janice yet again changed her major to Business Administration, knowing that business, her love for helping others develop their technology skills, drove her onward to both the graduate and post-grad degrees though she is a DBA (all but dissertation). Over the years, has honed her skills and has created fantasy worlds and images. More recently, Janice has taken up photography in an effort to 'find the right images' for projects she works on. Janice is married and three out of four of her children are grown.

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