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CAS-C - Political Science - Week 2
Study of political scientists' attempts to treat politics as a science and their efforts to build scholarship based on reason and balanced evidence. CAS-C.Examines the role of women in political institutions, exploring patterns over time and across regions of the world. Same as WGSS 345C and Government 355. Credit may not be earned for both.The term politics refers to the set of jmry8 module 6 leininger newman and watson activities that take place within communities, companies, institutions, sovereign states and even international entities. These include promoting and defending ideas, allocating resources, settling disputes and exercising internal and external power, such as warfare against adversaries. Politics is fundamental to human societies and will exist as long as people are confronted by scarcity, different beliefs and preferences, and the need to resolve these differences while distributing scarce resources.
Political science is the study of these interactions on a local, national and international level. It examines the process of how people form governments and policies to ensure that their needs are met, while also addressing global issues. Politics is an exciting and important field to study, whether you want to one day become a politician or simply understand the way that governments work.A common definition of politics is that it involves the contestation of material and non-material resources. However, this view has been challenged in recent decades, particularly with the rise of ‘post-ideological’ contestation around values and lifestyles.
For example, in the 1800s, John Stuart Mill developed a liberal theory of politics that focused on redistributing material resources. This shifted the focus of politics away from the competition over property to the more important issue of preserving liberty and fairness.It is important to note that these msn fpx 6105 teaching and active learning strategies assessment 2 three core concepts – rules, reality and choices – are common across the various interpretations of what defines politics. This is why it is difficult to create a definitive list of political theories and models, but it is possible to identify some defining features:For example, all of these definitions mention that politics is social. This is because it requires the participation of multiple individuals. Moreover, it is essential to note that there are many ways that individuals can be political without participating in formalised elections or other forms of official government. For example, they can be political by speaking out against something that they believe is wrong, or by boycotting a product they think should not be sold.
In politics, science is often used as a political tool. When politicians want to convince voters that their policy is right, they often present scientific evidence. This strategy is based on the belief that people trust scientific knowledge. However, there are problems with this approach. When science is used in this way, it can lead to politicized policies that are not based on facts and may even harm people.There are many different subdisciplines within political nhs fpx 6004 health care law and policy assessment 2 science, including domestic politics and government, international relations, security studies, political economy, and the study of elections. Each of these areas has its own unique methods and approaches to research. In addition, political science is closely related to other disciplines such as history, philosophy, sociology, economics, law, and management.
One of the most common political science methods is quantitative analysis. This includes statistical methods such as regression analysis, hypothesis testing, and estimation theory. In addition, qualitative political science methods such as interviews and case studies are also commonly used.Many political scientists use a variety of these techniques to understand the dynamics of politics and to make recommendations for policy changes. Regardless of the method used, political scientists must be careful to avoid becoming partisan and biased. In addition to avoiding bias, they must be sure to cite all of their sources so that they can be transparent about their research.
Politics and science have been entwined since the beginning of human society. While the image of scientists as monastic explorers of truth persists in popular culture, there is little doubt that scientific results are influenced by values and politics. For example, business lobbies have worked to create uncertainty over inconvenient scientific findings on climate change, acid rain, and NR 447 Week 2 Community Windshield Survey ozone depletion.While the use of science in politics is necessary to address certain issues, there are limits on how much influence it should have. Scientists should be careful not to politicize science, as this can lead to partisanship and distrust among the general public. Moreover, scientists must remember that they are privileged to work on questions of great social importance, and that the public trusts them to seek out objective information and weigh it carefully.
Like other fields of study, political science employs a scientific approach. As such, it strives to emulate the objectivity and conceptual and methodological rigor associated with the so-called hard sciences, such as biology and chemistry. As such, writing in this field should be clear and precise and free of evocative or metaphorical language. As a science, it also seeks to discover new knowledge through empirical investigation, although the impossibility of controlled experiments in politics makes this difficult.It may seem counterintuitive that a discipline that studies the processes and systems of government would seek to treat itself as a science, but that is exactly what political scientists do, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). A bachelor’s degree in political science can lead to a career in research, academia or public service. Graduate students often focus on advanced theory and conduct their own research to contribute to the broader political conversation.
In addition to seeking to understand the nature of politics, political science also looks at how government policies, laws and institutions affect human behavior. It can explore the nuances of democracy, the balance between power and liberty or how the economy interacts with government policy. The field nr703 10033 week 5 professional leadership communication is broad and flexible, and you can choose a specialty to focus on, such as American politics, comparative politics or international relations.The field is based on the belief that there are universal principles of politics that can be discovered through empirical observation and investigation. In contrast to political philosophy, which is concerned primarily with political ideas and values, it favours the descriptive over the normative. Political science is therefore a scientific discipline, not a social or moral one.
The main tools political scientists use are research, survey data and analysis. They may analyze historical documents, forecast social trends or develop models to help predict how political institutions and events will evolve in the future based on past and current data. They may also rely on other tools, such as computer modeling and statistical analysis. The field is methodologically diverse, and appropriates many methods originating in psychology, sociology or political philosophy. Its ontological orientations include positivism, interpretivism, rational choice theory and structuralism, post-structuralism, realism, and institutionalism.The politics of everyday life: how you vote, who you choose to support and why. This course examines some of the most important political issues facing our society, and how these decisions affect you.
Political scientists often attempt to treat the study of politics as a science. As such, they build scholarship based on reason and balance and use evidence to support their ideas. However, there is a danger that political scientists can be politicized and their work can be used for partisan purposes. This class will explore some of the ways that this can occur and how to avoid it.Examines the history, scope and methods of the discipline of political science. Topics include the major paradigms and current subfields; conceptions of explanation in the social sciences; the nature and problems of comparison, measurement, and experimentation; the theory construction process; and normative orientations in research. Three hours lecture per week for one semester. Prerequisite: upper division standing.
An exploration of the role of memory in politics and policymaking, drawing on a range of theoretical and empirical examples from Germany and the United States. The course examines how war is remembered in literature and other cultural forms, as well as the impact of remembering past wars on political identity, policies, and conflict resolution.Same as American Studies 321W, European Studies 348 (Topic 4) and German, Scandinavian and Dutch Studies 362C.A survey of the various kinds of power that governments possess and the ways they exercise these powers. Emphasizes the development of domestic American policy, with emphasis on issues affecting minority groups.
An examination of the ways that specific social policies can impact racial and ethnic inequalities in the United States. The relationship between race and the development of American social policies will be explored, with particular focus on the effect that feminism has had on US policymaking.
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